Little bird flying manically just out of reach of shadows
She beats her wings in a panic rhythm
Gusting the air away from unknown ghosts.
Little bird, with beak parted, pants in gasps
little black hole usurping all of her strength.
Little bird, empty bones to make light of her flight
A brittle frame to chase away the darkness unending
Around the clock, the day eventually closes in
Little bird echoes sunshine out of her chest
beats her little wings, but the light won't stay.
Little bird lies exhausted at the break of day
Fighting the corners cast by ceasing light.
Little does she know the loneliness of day as it's
murdered by night.
Little bird. May your cage come soon; a little captivity
may do you some good.
Rest those wings, scattered, tattered and torn.
Little bird flies with unending rage
the horizon always seemingly closer but so very
far away.
Little has the fight left her tired feet
Little room is left for the distance
she flaps her beaten wings against the all too dark;
dreaming of an everlasting dawn.