Monday, July 12, 2010

Music ♥

Today is my first day of physical therapy. I am a bit nervous because I have had a few set backs, but I fully realize that this is the path to recovery. I am also very excited to get at least a little exercise in my routine, no matter how painful. I have been sedentary for so long now it seems; and physical activity is so important to my emotional well being. That has actually been the most difficult thing to deal with during this process. If I think back, try to date how long my hip has interrupted my life (not counting my years of childhood of experiencing hip pain) I have been dealing with debilitating pain for about 2 1/2 years!! The last 6 months has been the worst by far, and I am so grateful I have insurance and the ability/means to take care of myself. I feel I have been complaining through this whole thing. My loved ones keep reminding me that I have just gone through a major surgery and I have the right to complain. I still feel I am being a bit of a baby though ;)

One good thing about laying in bed all day long; I get to listen to my favorite music with no interruptions. When I get into my "music mode" I prefer to listen for hours, extracting my own thoughts while I do so. It seems as if music is a stimulant to my writing capabilities. It is such a forceful artform, music. Just one word I hear, or perhaps a bridge in a song, can set me off into a journey that comes from the deep recesses of my mind. Music nurtures my thoughts, that is the best way I think I can describe it.

I have also been working. Working on my novel. It is still so rough and I am mostly concentrating on character development, but that is certainly an important aspect for me. It is so much easier to write a long story when I have all the elements of the people I am writing about. It is incredible how they become so real to me; much like imaginary friends. I become so invested in their person, their feelings, and their thoughts. I imagine that all of my characters include some facet of myself in them; perhaps that is why I am able to become so attached to them.

I am thankful for my loved ones, blood related or not, you are all my family ♥

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